Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare
Shampoo Bar - Shampoo - Cascadia Skincare




  • 迷迭香和薄荷 | 适合中性至油性头皮和头发有助于缓解头皮发痒、头皮屑和头发稀疏。 清新、舒缓头皮,同时振奋感官,非常适合那些追求更浓密、更健康头发的人。

  • 薰衣草和天竺葵 | 干性至正常头皮和头发提供舒缓、恢复活力的体验,使头发感觉柔软、奢华。

  • 无香 | 超敏感头皮:非常适合敏感肌肤和头皮,提供相同的滋养功效,无需添加香料。


  • 全天然滋养成分:

    • 蓖麻油:富含蓖麻油酸,可促进头皮血液循环,帮助促进头发生长和强度。其天然保湿特性可防止头发干燥和分叉,同时还能减少头皮屑并改善头发光泽。

    • 可可脂:深层滋润、滋养头皮,有助于减少干燥和脱皮。其高脂肪酸含量可强韧头发、提高弹性并增加自然光泽,是修复受损或脆弱头发的理想选择。

  • 环保且持久:只需少量即可产生丰富泡沫,泡沫比传统液体洗发水更持久。100% 可生物降解且无塑料的包装使其成为可持续生活的绝佳选择。

  • 多功能旅行香皂:小巧且防溢,非常适合外出、露营或日常使用。既可用作洗发水,又可用作肥皂,非常适合简化您的旅行装备。







订单满 99 加元 / 75 美元以上即可免费送货(北美)

处理时间:我们的产品都是精心手工制作的,您的订单也都是精心包装的!我们将在 1 到 3 个工作日内处理您的订单。


加拿大:无论您在温哥华还是远至沿海省份,您一定能在 2 至 8 个工作日内收到全天然护肤产品。

美国:您预计可在 3 至 5 个工作日内收到手工制品。

世界其他地区: 10 - 30 个工作日,取决于您与我们的距离。

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Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Pamela Banting
Pleasant surprise

I tried the small size just to see and have been very pleasantly surprised at how well it works. Several years ago I tried — one after another — eight different bottled shampoos that contained less toxic ingredients than mainstream brands, but each one tangled my (fine) hair so much even while washing it that it was difficult to complete washing. This shampoo lathers very fast and tangles it only a tiny bit at the end of washing, and a minimal spritz of detangler addresses that easily (I have to use the same spritz after using Redken All-Soft shampoo too). It would also be good for travelling: one fewer bottle to spill in your luggage.

Hi Pam,

Thank you very much for your detailed review. I would highly recommend giving our conditioner bar a try for detanglling :) The reason why a commercial shampoos make your hair seemingly smooth is actually silicone, which as you rightfully point out, many natural products do not contain for very very good reasons. We recommend not to try to comb your hair too much when you are washing, instead rinse your hair throughly and apply a gentle conditioner bar to smooth out tangles and condition your hair :) Hope this helps!

J - Owner/Maker

Karen Bolitho

I gifted this bar to my minimalists nephew who appreciated the natural ingredients. He reports that it worked well and has enjoyed using it.

Bonnie Nicholson
The Best Solid shampoo bar 🚿

This hair shampoo bar gets my hair clean. It rinces out easily. My hair doesn't feel dried out.
I dont need to use conditioner on my hair.
The Shampoo bar is All an one Hair hair care product.
My Hair is so well behaved, I don't believe this is my Hair. No frize, it doesn't tangle up into a mess. It happy Healthy!

Margaret Sherman
Love the Shampoo Bar!

The shampoo bar works great in the shower! We love all Cascade products.

Pure Joy!

I love this Geranium shampoo SO much! After trying a gazillion shampoo bars, this is THE one. It’s sudsy and the fragrance lasts throughout the bar. But mostly, it leaves my hair feeling amazing and is not itchy on my scalp, a rarity. I may be just a little smug using it at the gym, walking in with just one lovely product.

Susan McCalla
Love the shampoo bar

I’ve never tried a shampoo bar before but the Cascadia bar has won me over! It leaves my hair feeling healthy. Plus it smells wonderful .

lesley griffith

loved this i have fine curly hair works great

Élodie Bellanger

The shampoo bar is amazing it doesn't feel heavy I really love itm it smells great

Michelle Mcmillin

Smelled great and definitely left my hair feeling clean; However, bar method simply wasn’t for me and I lacked a proper way to store it for longevity of the bar. I prefer the lather of a more low viscosity shampoo.

Nancy A
Best shampoo without allergy inducing ingredients

We love this shampoo. It keeps our hair clean, without drying out and it doesn’t have all the unnecessary ingredients that trigger allergies.