Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare
Natural Deodorant - Deodorant - Cascadia Skincare




  • 不含有害成分,不含邻苯二甲酸盐、对羟基苯甲酸酯或其他致癌物质等内分泌干扰化学物质,不会对您的皮肤和整体健康造成长期损害。
  • 采用 8 种源自天然的简单成分制成,足够温和,适合敏感肌肤。
  • 有清新薰衣草柠檬味或无香型可供选择。采用纯精油香味,不添加任何人工香料或着色剂。
  • 有效去除腋臭+吸收水分
  • 添加天然粘土,包括膨润土,用于腋下排毒



成分:小苏打、椰子油*、竹芋粉、乳木果油*、荷荷巴籽油*、膨润土、高岭土、蜂蜡、生育酚(维生素 E) *有机。香味选择精油:薰衣草油和柑橘柠檬皮油

注意:建议进行斑贴测试。请勿涂抹在破损的皮肤上。内容: 85 克/3 盎司


订单满 99 加元 / 75 美元以上即可免费送货(北美)

处理时间:我们的产品都是精心手工制作的,您的订单也都是精心包装的!我们将在 1 到 3 个工作日内处理您的订单。


加拿大:无论您在温哥华还是远至沿海省份,您一定能在 2 至 8 个工作日内收到全天然护肤产品。

美国:您预计可在 3 至 5 个工作日内收到手工制品。

世界其他地区: 10 - 30 个工作日,取决于您与我们的距离。

运输合作伙伴:我们很荣幸与加拿大运输平台 Chit Chats 合作,为边境两边的客户提供最优的运输价格。您的包裹将通过加拿大的 Intelcom 或加拿大邮政以及美国的 USPS 或 UPS 运送。


Customer Reviews

Based on 51 reviews
Laurie S
Best ever

This is by far the best natural cream deodorant I have ever used. Would love it on subscription!

Shea B.
It really works!!

I've always been weary of natural deodorants after a bad experience with a common chain store brand but have had such great luck with everything else Cascadia that I gave it a go and wow! this works incredibly well at controlling odour and moisture and I love the fact that you rub it in yourself vs a stick so there's no greasy residue or oil smell lingering on clothes. Another big win, thank you Cascadia!

Natural Deodorant

The natural deodorant that I was using wasn't working anymore for me so I tried Cascadia's Natural Deodorant and absolutely love it. It is so effective and during the summer I really appreciated having Cascadia's Natural Deodorant that to date has kept me COMPLETELY ODOUR FREE. I'm so happy with it I've referred 3 people to buy it. One jar is still in use since August. I recommend it with 100% confidence!

Julie Barrand

It is effective. Both my husband and I are using it

Most effective natural deodorant around

I’ve tried so many natural deodorants and this one is by far the most effective one. I feel like the clay also helps curb excessive sweating. The lavender lemon scent is so pleasant.

Bonnie Nicholson
Completely Natural Deodorant

I brought this natural deodorant from Cascadia skincare to try it :) It's wonderful. I have fallen in love with this product. Its has a very gentle smells.
Never Irraties my skin! An no stains on my silk blouse.

Grace McKeown
Love this product!

I started using natural deodorants a couple of years ago and tried to make my own batch. I discovered this product a year ago and am really happy with the quality of the product and just ordered my second jar!

Cathy MacDougall
Fresh and clean

Love it!! I love the fresh scent (lavender lemon) AND how smoothly it goes on.
Thank you for another great product I can trust.

Stephen Burns
It actually works!

Just started using this product and I must say that I’m very surprised! It actually works! I’ve been looking for a deodorant product that was all natural and I finally found one. It’s a must try, I highly recommend this all natural deodorant.

Super effective deoderant

I decided to pack Cascadia Deoderant to my trip to Peru instead of my usual Dove's deoderant cuz it's small and true to be travel sized. It's my first time to use it. By the third day on the trip out and about, I noticed "wow I dont smell bad at all!". I did a lot of surfing, hiking, and walking everywhere on this trip, and I am very thankful for my deoderant to keep me fresh and not stinky! Thank you, Cascadia!