Organic Rosehip Oil - Face Oil - Cascadia Skincare
Organic Rosehip Oil - Face Oil - Cascadia Skincare
Organic Rosehip Oil - Face Oil - Cascadia Skincare


Cascadia 的有机玫瑰果油是一种奢华的 100% 天然护肤品,富含必需维生素、抗氧化剂和脂肪酸,可让您的肌肤焕发活力并滋养肌肤。这种强效油来自有机玫瑰果籽,非常适合治疗黑斑、色素沉着,并促进肤色均匀、容光焕发。

  • 迅速吸收,令肌肤透气柔软

  • 维生素 C 可提亮肤色,减少黑斑

  • 维生素 A 促进健康皮肤细胞更新和修复

  • 必需脂肪酸 (EFA) 有助于保护和滋润皮肤

  • 番茄红素和β-胡萝卜素提供抗氧化保护,优雅地衰老


成分: Rosa Canina(100% 有机玫瑰果)籽油、生育酚(维生素 E)

容量:50 毫升/1.7 盎司

注意玫瑰果油的保质期相对较短(约 6 个月),如果不立即使用,请存放在冰箱中。存放在阴凉处可使油保持更长时间的新鲜。如果油开始有异味/酸味,请停止将其用于护肤目的。


订单满 99 加元 / 75 美元以上即可免费送货(北美)

处理时间:我们的产品都是精心手工制作的,您的订单也都是精心包装的!我们将在 1 到 3 个工作日内处理您的订单。


加拿大:无论您在温哥华还是远至沿海省份,您一定能在 2 至 8 个工作日内收到全天然护肤产品。

美国:您预计可在 3 至 5 个工作日内收到手工制品。

世界其他地区: 10 - 30 个工作日,取决于您与我们的距离。

运输合作伙伴:我们很荣幸与加拿大运输平台 Chit Chats 合作,为边境两边的客户提供最优的运输价格。您的包裹将通过加拿大的 Intelcom 或加拿大邮政以及美国的 USPS 或 UPS 运送。


Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Love this oil

This oil helps my acne so much and my skin is so much better hydrated. I’ve always used the lift serum and liposomes moisturizer but now that I’ve added this to the routine I will never go without it.

Michelle Mcmillin

Love this oil. I’ve used it on my face every day for three
years in tandem with my moisturizer. No issues with break outs, helps keep my skin feeling hydrated always.

Lorie Raverty

I love this oil. It is light and absorbs so well. I travel a lot so like multipurpose products. This one is always in my bag. If my skin is especially dry or not looking great, I add a small amount to the moisturizer . No greasy, heavy feel. Works great on my hair as well; just a drop. Thank you Cascadia for yet another great product.

Beverly Chapelle
Love this!

This oil has become a necessity in my skin care routine.
Love it! :)

Lorraine Bird

This is the first face oil I haven’t been allergic to. I love it!

Michelle Chen

This rosehip oil absorbs nicely into my skin. And it has been perfect for diluting my Liposomes Daily Moisturizer and Rejuvenating Eye Cream so that I can finally pump it out of their bottles.

Can't do without this!

I use the rosehip oil on my face and neck in the morning and at bedtime and mix a drop of it in with my moisturizer. It absorbs quickly and doesn't leave an oily residue. My skin is so much softer and smoother with this product! When I didn't bring it along on vacation, I noticed my skin wasn't as smooth! I have a 15ml size bottle of Lift Serum that I will reuse once its empty to make a "travel-sized" bottle for my rosehip oil!

helps in healing the skin!

This Organic Rosehip Oil is very helpful when you finish a facial as it helps in healing the skin! This can be used on any skin type and overall provides all the benefits of Rosehip Oil!

Elizabeth Kaledin
Noticed an immediate glow!

I purchased a rosehip oil product from the expensive skin care in my neighborhood and I fell in love with it, but I thought it was a little pricey. Cascadia skincare’s pure rose hip oil has exactly the same ingredients for HALF the price. My skin is loving it and I see an immediate change and glow. Couldn't be happier and will buy it again!

Iris Platt
Very moisturizing

I really enjoy using this Organic Rosehip Oil as it is really great to keep my skin moisturized. I use it most on my hands and face. I have loved all the Cascadia products I have triedover the last number of years, which is quite a few.