Decadence Double Milled Goat Milk Soap - Goat Milk Soap - Cascadia Skincare
Decadence Double Milled Goat Milk Soap - Goat Milk Soap - Cascadia Skincare
Decadence Double Milled Goat Milk Soap - Goat Milk Soap - Cascadia Skincare
Decadence Double Milled Goat Milk Soap - Goat Milk Soap - Cascadia Skincare



购买 2 件或以上可节省 5%,购买 4 件或以上可节省 10%。


Decadence 皂通常被称为我们肥皂中的“鱼子酱”,我们通过对奢华的山羊奶皂进行双重研磨,整个过程耗时不少于 6 个月,最终制成持久的香皂,对皮肤极其温和,泡沫如奶油般细腻。散发着我们标志性的纯精油混合物的香味,30 多年来,许多人都为之着迷。

  • 颓废:薰衣草(Lavandula Angustifolia)油、甜橙(Citrus Aurantium Dulcis)果皮油、广藿香(Pogostemon Cablin)油、雪松(Cedrus Atlantica)树皮油。
  • 普罗旺斯花园: 玫瑰草油、佛手柑果皮油、薰衣草
  • 柠檬草和酸橙:香茅(柠檬草)油、酸橙(莱姆)果皮油

原料: 橄榄果油、椰子油、山羊奶*、水、可持续棕榈油、氢氧化钠(碱液)**、牛油果树果油、 *有机的


大约重量:每块普通条 150 克或每块小条 65 克


订单满 99 加元 / 75 美元以上即可免费送货(北美)

处理时间:我们的产品都是精心手工制作的,您的订单也都是精心包装的!我们将在 1 到 3 个工作日内处理您的订单。


加拿大:无论您在温哥华还是远至沿海省份,您一定能在 2 至 8 个工作日内收到全天然护肤产品。

美国:您预计可在 3 至 5 个工作日内收到手工制品。

世界其他地区: 10 - 30 个工作日,取决于您与我们的距离。

运输合作伙伴:我们很荣幸与加拿大运输平台 Chit Chats 合作,为边境两边的客户提供最优的运输价格。您的包裹将通过加拿大的 Intelcom 或加拿大邮政以及美国的 USPS 或 UPS 运送。


Customer Reviews

Based on 102 reviews

Beautiful soap it lasts a long time and smells divine. A luxurious treat! Thank you for making the best soaps you can find!

Eileen Plunkett
The best

This is hands down my favourite soap. I have used it for a long time now and the aroma and longevity is why I buy it aside from its skin friendly ingredients❤️ I love it!

Natalie Bestbier
Truly Decadent!

Smells beautiful, lasts long, foams well, and so delicate on my skin! I’ve used cascadia soap for years. I always buy a handful extra for gifts.

Deborah Hayles
Decadence Double-Milled Soap

Fantastic-love this product. It’s moisturizing, long-lasting and no plastic bottle

Sandra Acton
Decadence the most luscious soap

I have loved Decadence (the soap) for years and although I am often gifted others soaps, none of them have made me happy.

Kate Reid
My Favourite soap

I have been using this goat milk soap for several years.
Its my favourite. I give it away as gifts too.

Shelley Zacharias
Love Decadence Soap

I use this bar mainly for shaving. It foams really nice and leaves my skin feeling great !

Audrey Campbell
A decade of Decadence

What I love the most about the scent of it is this, when I hug someone, is when they get the warm aroma of Decadence. I've never been in favour of people who need to have wafting eye watering scents applied to their skin. Because of the natural oils used I've never found any Decadence product overbearing or eyewatering. I am grateful to have found a product that is gentle, uplifting and simply Divine. I deserve it.

Frances Wintjes clarke
Decadence is the Best!

We have been using Decadence soap for the past 15 years and are ruined for using anything else. The fragrance and creaminess are heavenly, and the fact that it lasts longer than any other soap is the icing on the cake.
We are moving away to the UK and have been stocking up on Decadence supplies before we go because we can't live without it!

Jennifer St. DEnis
Decadence is decadent

When I discovered that my favorite scent, Decadence was sold out, I was very sad and was constantly visiting the website to see if it was available. It takes time to make so I had to be patient :) I discovered this soap on a vacation to Vancouver many years ago and have been hooked ever since. Love this scent and it is my signature!